Two white queers sitting and smiling in mid-conversation with a plant sitting between them.  One, Al, is holding a pen and has a pad of paper on their lap.

“I have found a trustworthy and thoughtful specialist in Al Reed. I look forward to our appointments because I truly feel they have my best interest and wellbeing at heart the entire session. Regular acupuncture and cupping sessions under Al’s guidance has certainly changed my life for the better.”

— L.C.

“Al was recommended through a friend and now I can't stop recommending them to everyone! They are very welcoming, thoughtful, and inclusive in their care. I have been going to them for a couple months now and have found much release in my physical ailments as well as aid in anxiety. I have received such thorough, gentle care from them.”

— Y.J.

Close up of two hands placing an acupuncture needle on a person's upper back.

“I’ve been seeing Al for acupuncture and cupping to relieve chronic pain related to a running /hamstring injury/overdoing it at weightlifting classes/bad posture at my desk.

My only regret is that I didn’t start services sooner. Al is wonderfully calm, attentive, and a great listener, treating short and long term issues with planning and true care. I leave every treatment emotionally and physically balanced, lighter, and in less pain.

— S.M.