What Brought Me to Microneedling
Al Reed Al Reed

What Brought Me to Microneedling

I have always had dry and sensitive. If I put too much of anything on my skin, my skin would break out. And then in my mid 30s, things escalated.

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How Is Acupuncture LGBTQIAS2+ Affirming Healthcare?
Al Reed Al Reed

How Is Acupuncture LGBTQIAS2+ Affirming Healthcare?

Being an advocate for creating better, affirming clinical spaces for all bodies is essential to my approach as an Acupuncturist. And as a queer, non-binary health care provider, I am especially passionate about serving the LQBTQIA2S+ community.

How exactly does Acupuncture help LGBTQIA2S+ folks?

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Acupuncture for Motor Vehicle Accident Recovery
Al Reed Al Reed

Acupuncture for Motor Vehicle Accident Recovery

Have you been in a recent Motor Vehicle Accident? Not to sound like a radio ad or billboard BUT…

Did you know that Acupuncture is completely covered by your personal injury protections (PIP) insurance in the state of Oregon. And that Acupuncture excels at helping you recover from acute injuries.

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