Acupuncture for Motor Vehicle Accident Recovery

Have you been in a recent Motor Vehicle Accident? Not to sound like a radio ad or billboard BUT…

Did you know that Acupuncture is completely covered by your personal injury protections (PIP) insurance in the state of Oregon. And that Acupuncture excels at helping you recover from acute injuries.  

All Oregon drivers have $15,000 in covered medical care.  No matter who is at fault.  No copay, no nothing.

Motor Vehicle Accidents can be complicated injuries where your body sustained a heavy force.  This sends out a loud message to the body that it is in danger.  This can lead to a systemic seizing up, tightening, and guarding of many of the body’s muscles and fascia.  

This can look like: neck pain, headaches, fatigue, low back pain, sciatica, rib pain, and more.

The severity of these types of injuries can vary but often require us focusing on the nervous system as well.  Even if your head has made sense of the accident, sometimes the body takes some time getting the memo as well.  Acupuncture is excellent at helping with that mind-body connection, along with helping lowering your acute pain needs.

As an acupuncturist, I will set up a treatment plan that focuses on full recovery for any pain or injury that you have sustained for the motor vehicle accident.  And will recommend to you other health care providers and modalities that will speed along the process as well.  I am always about collaborate care and shared decision making to help patients reach their goals.

Want to know more? I would love to connect! Always feel free to email me at or message me on the contact page


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