Acupuncture for Hiking Aches and Pains

Do you find yourself getting more active outside via Hiking your favorite PNW hikes?  


We see an increase in Hip, Knee, and Ankle Injuries with the increase in fun Springtime activities such as hiking. Whether you are a pro or just like the pretty views, it’s normal for this time of year to bring some aches and pains from increasing activity levels.

Weekly I work with acute injuries of the hips, knees, and ankles by focusing on reducing pain, decrease inflammation, and increase range of motion in the body.  All so you can get back out there among the wildflowers and waterfalls.

A typical treatment plan is 1-2 times in the first week and then 1x weekly for 3-4 weeks. Usually within 1 to 2 session we can see significant reduction in swelling and pain.

Of course the severity of the injury and other factors help us fine tune this and tailor a treatment plan that works best for you.

A referral to go see complementary care- whether it’s massage, PT, or Chiropractic.  Foot soaks with Chinese herbs.  Nutritional Support where we talk to you about the power of Turmeric and Magnesium. Acupuncturists got a lot of tools to get you back out there!

Are you suffering from a recent injury that just isn’t getting better?

Sounds like it’s time to schedule an acupuncture appointment today!


Why Acupuncture?


Acupuncture for Allergies